Custom Organizational Solutions

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9 Ways You're Making Cleaning Harder Than It Needs to Be

Raise your hand if the thought of pulling out your vacuum gives you hives. We get it: It's daunting to think about all of the chores required to maintain a home. One way to make those tasks feel less intimidating? Make sure you're not making these mistakes that might make your cleaning process even more challenging:
  1. You make your own cleaner.
  2. You use a feather duster.
  3. You wash windows when it's sunny.
  4. You wear your shoes in the house.
  5. You forget to clean your vacuum.
  6. You don't let tile cleaner soak in.
  7. You underestimate your bathroom fan.
  8. You don't keep up with chores.
  9. You spray surfaces with cleaner.