As we bid 2016 a fond farewell, we look forward to a new year full of promise and possibility. 365 days to finally get it right, to finally arrive at that elusive nirvana we would all like to achieve in our daily lives. So we take time to evaluate our lives and determine some key New Year’s Resolutions that will get us where we want to be. Top resolutions for 2016 were:
So, if you’re serious about change, you might want to make a formal New Year’s resolution or two and get organized to ensure success!
Your To-do List or just a Wish List?
Are New Year’s Resolutions a To-do list or a Wish list? A To-do List implies resolve…it will be done, whereas a Wish List is a big maybe with the possible element of outside intervention. (Toss a penny in the wishing well, break the turkey wishbone, cross your fingers, etc.)
Having realistic expectations will go a long way toward putting you in the 8% that succeed in keeping their New Year’s Resolutions. And clearly defining those goals will make them measurable and attainable. Here are some “fine-tuned” resolutions under the rather broad favorites mentioned above to help with defining success.
- Enjoy life to the fullest
- Live a healthier lifestyle / lose weight
- Spend more time with family and friends
- 45% of people usually make resolutions
- 38% never make resolutions
- 17% of people might make resolutions
So, if you’re serious about change, you might want to make a formal New Year’s resolution or two and get organized to ensure success!
Your To-do List or just a Wish List?
Are New Year’s Resolutions a To-do list or a Wish list? A To-do List implies resolve…it will be done, whereas a Wish List is a big maybe with the possible element of outside intervention. (Toss a penny in the wishing well, break the turkey wishbone, cross your fingers, etc.)
Having realistic expectations will go a long way toward putting you in the 8% that succeed in keeping their New Year’s Resolutions. And clearly defining those goals will make them measurable and attainable. Here are some “fine-tuned” resolutions under the rather broad favorites mentioned above to help with defining success.