5 Strategies for Organizing Your Pantry
1. Invest in clear containers and a labeler.
This storage solution is especially helpful for bulk-bin items, like rice, grains, and nuts. With neatly labeled clear containers, gone are the days of having four partially open bags of quinoa.
2. Assess your pantry on a weekly basis.
Keeping your pantry organized and in good shape doesn't have to be a huge, time-consuming task. Instead, make it part of your weekly meal-planning routine by taking a few minutes to do a quick inventory. Knowing what's in there is the best way to make sure you're cooking and eating what you already have, and avoid buying multiples of the same thing.
3. Use sheet pans to group like with like.
Heavy-duty and multipurpose, sheet pans and hotel pans make especially good organizers. Not only do they make grouping like ingredients together easy, but they're also a great way to contain any inadvertent spills or leaks.
4. Take 10 minutes every day to keep your pantry clean and tidy.
A few everyday tasks that take just a few minutes — like wiping down pantry shelves, keeping package labels facing outward and visible, grouping like items together, and tossing expired items — will leave you with an always-tidy pantry.
5. Make use of household items to give your pantry more storage space.
From crates and space-saving racks to pencil holders and magazine racks, household items can be a smart and inexpensive way to add even more storage to your pantry. If everything has a special place or holder, you'll be less likely to mess it all up when looking for that one can of beans you're sure you bought three weeks ago.